Our Mission and Vision
At The Church at Cane Island, our mission is to Connect Our Community to Christ.
Our vision is for The Church at Cane Island to become a foundational necessity of our community of Katy, TX.
Our Strategy
At The Church at Cane Island, there are 4 ways that we connect our community to Christ. We call it our CONNECT FOUR Strategy.

Each week we GATHER together to worship God, fellowship with believers, build community, and get encouraged and equipped to share our faith with others. The Bible is very clear about the necessity and benefits of gathering on a regular basis (Leviticus 8:4 ; Hebrews 10:24-25; Matthew 12:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:11)
We GROW together in community to become more like Christ each and every day. Our primary vehicle for discipleship and growing together is through Community Groups. These groups provide opportunities for people to regularly invest in each other’s lives in meaningful and genuine ways. Likewise, this is the place where the application of biblical truth can connect with us in tangible, real-life situations. These groups meet in homes throughout our community and there is always an empty chair for anyone who would like to join us. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 1 Corinthians 12:25-27; Philippians 2:4)
We believe that GIVING is far more than a financial decision. In fact, it is often said in our church, “Open your calendar before you open you checkbook.” We believe that tithing is a biblical principle. But, we especially want to experience the complete joy of giving our time, talents and tithes as part of our growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe giving is a extended portion of our worship to God. There are lots of ways for you to give your spiritual gifts to strengthen our church family. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10)
Most people learn by doing. In fact, this was the most common method of teaching that Jesus used. Most of his conversations with his disciples took place while on the GO. There is great value when we engage in the activities that God provides for us everyday. So, as we go through the natural rhythms of our lives, we are living examples of God’s love. A life on mission is far more than just a service project or an airplane ride to another country. It is an intentional lifestyle that compels and empowers us to go AND MAKE disciples. To go is the missional mandate of all Christians at all times. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:14-15)
Our Values
Our values are currently under development. The personality of our church is being shaped as we better understand the unique quest that God has called our church to embark upon. We value a great many things, but as we grow and learn together, we are identifying some significant areas that God is equipping us to devote our time and resources toward. These values are a work in progress as our church grows.
We want to focus our energy and attention and resources on the things that matter most. There are a lot of “extras” in church life these days and some churches have found ways to not let them become distractions. But, as a new church, we value the simple things because they keep us focused, are easily executed and reproducible, and they reflect good stewardship of our time and resources.
We believe that we need to open our calendars before we open our checkbooks. We also believe that an element of stewardship is realizing that it all belongs to God and we are to wisely allocate the portion that he has provided for us. We live this out practically by allocating 25% of our budget to missions in Katy and around the world.
When godly men are equipped and encouraged to be the leaders, the teachers, the providers and the protectors that God made them to be, every life they encounter is blessed by their obedience to Christ. We believe men are fully aware of their shortcomings, so you will never hear us remind them of their failures. Instead, we devote a great deal our attention helping men become who Christ made them to be @home, @community, @work, and in the world @large.Our men gather once each month and pray together after church, seeking God’s will for their lives and the lives they impact.
We believe that everything is better in community. We value the relationships and strength that come from sitting around equal circles, encouraging and equipping one another to grow in Christ. Likewise, we grow together in homes throughout the week through community groups. We have been praying over the Cane Island subdivision before the first home was ever built. Community matters to us because God made us to be in community with one another.
Evangelism is an invitation to the truth. So we equip and encourage all Christ followers to know their personal story of salvation through Jesus Christ. We want our church to tell their story of sin, salvation, and the day they met Jesus as testimony of hope and triumph over the evils of this world. We look intentionally at everyday ways to share with others the reason for the hope that we have in Jesus. Community is built through stories of hope, sorrow, tragedy, laughter and so much more. We believe that every believer has a powerful story to tell and that everyone needs to hear it.
It sounds simple because it is. Each week, we practice the joy of communicating with the living, holy God who hears our prayers and delights in fellowship with us. We dedicate time in each worship service to pray for one another, our community, and for the world to know Jesus. It is a glorious sound to hear the church pray together each week.

We exist to connect our community to Christ.
Where We Meet
Sundays @ 9:30
6331 Hwy Blvd, Katy, TX 77494
Mailing Address and Church Office:
123A FM 1463, Katy, TX 77493
6331 Hwy Blvd
Katy, TX 77494

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