Nick Luxmoore Young People Up Close Talking About Sex And Death And Hatred Underneath everything, young people are powered by three anxieties I remember a tutor at university joking that all literature ends up being about sex and death. I think he was right. I’d add "hatred" to the list and argue that all work with young people ends up being about sex and death and hatred, that these three things motivate all of us most primitively and certainly motivate young people, both consciously and unconsciously. Sex motivates us because—in the broadest sense—sex runs through all our relationships. As children and young people, we begin to realize that our bodies are developing in readiness for sex and reproduction, that we must learn all sorts of explicit and implicit rules about sexuality , that every relationship has sexual potential and that we must learn to bear the weight of our anxieties about all these things. Similarly, anxieties about de...
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