Main Characteristics
Spatial Database Support
The Spatial Database Support module allows for Oracle Spatial Technologies to be used for GIS data storage. Using the Oracle for the GIS data storage has the following advantages:- Enables data export and import of the GIS data for backup and testing purposes
- Improves multi-user capabilities of the GIS environment
- Centralises Geographical data in an open format for use by other systems
ESRI Shape File Support
For customers that use an ESRI GIS system this module enables the use of ESRI shape files instead of MapInfo TAB files as the source of GIS data.Bing/OSM Mapping and Geo Locating
This module utilises public web mapping services such as Bing and Open Street Maps for the background data in the GIS environment. Using this kind of data can be a more cost effective and efficient method for background imagery. This module includes:- Ability to bring Bing Maps and Open Street maps into the GIS environment as background layers
- Includes a Bing Maps license for Aerial/Satellite imagery and road map views seen on standard Bing Maps web site
- Includes a Bing Maps license for Geo Locating (Address searching) for finding public locations on the GIS