Required Steps to Develop the Independent Study Structure
Building an Independent Study Course requires three steps to be completed:
1. Develop a goal statement for what the student hopes to accomplish and the purpose of
the independent study.
2. Select and/or develop learning objectives related to the goal statement.
3. Develop a timetable for implementation of activities and completion of course
STEP 1. Write a goal statement/purpose of Independent study.
Write a brief description of the background, experience and strengths the student brings to the
topic/focus area. Identify the goals for your education by explaining what you hope to gain in terms
of knowledge, skills, personal and professional contacts, and other experiences while in the
Independent Study Course. Use the Independent Study Form attached.
STEP 2. List course learning objectives.
List objectives by using broad statements describing what the student is going to achieve. List each
objective and/or learning activity in the plan and note the numbers of the competencies the student is
expected to meet through specific learning activities.
STEP 3. Develop a timetable and plan.
Develop a plan for the Independent Study Course that the student can follow to include what the
student is expected to do and produce and dates for completion and submission. List the types of
activities/assignments that the student will be completing during the semester, as well as grading
components that may include papers or presentations.
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9 hours ago
Recent research suggests that chewing gum may increase alertness and lead to changes in cognitive performance. The present study examined effects of chewing gum on these functions within the context of a single study.
This study had four main aims. The first was to examine whether chewing gum improved learning and memory of information in a story. The second aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved test performance on a validated intellectual task (the Alice Heim task). A third aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved performance on short memory tasks (immediate and delayed recall of a list of words, delayed recognition memory, retrieval from semantic memory, and a working memory task). The final aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved mood (alertness, calm and hedonic tone).
A cross-over design was used with gum and no-gum sessions being on consecutive weeks. In each week, volunteers attended for two sessions, two days apart. The first session assessed mood, immediate recall of information from a story and performance on short memory tasks. The second session assessed mood, delayed recall of information from a story and performance of an intelligence test (the Alice Heim test).
There were no significant effects of chewing gum on any aspect of recall of the story. Chewing gum improved the accuracy of performing the Alice Heim test which confirms the benefits of gum on test performance seen in an earlier study. Chewing gum had no significant effect on the short memory tasks. Chewing gum increased alertness at the end of the test session in both parts of the study. This effect was in the region of a 10% increase and was highly significant (P < 0.001).
The results of this study showed that chewing gum increases alertness. In contrast, no significant effects of chewing gum were observed in the memory tasks. Intellectual performance was improved in the gum condition. Overall, the results suggest further research on the alerting effects of chewing gum and possible improved test performance in these situations.
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Pls myschool I subscribed for myschool CBT app today in order to get activation code but I haven't received any...
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1 Answers · University of Abuja · 3 hours ago
Has the post utme cut off mark for the various departments in fuoye been published? Answer this
1 Answers · Federal University, Oye-ekiti · 2 hours ago
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Building an Independent Study Course requires three steps to be completed:
1. Develop a goal statement for what the student hopes to accomplish and the purpose of
the independent study.
2. Select and/or develop learning objectives related to the goal statement.
3. Develop a timetable for implementation of activities and completion of course
STEP 1. Write a goal statement/purpose of Independent study.
Write a brief description of the background, experience and strengths the student brings to the
topic/focus area. Identify the goals for your education by explaining what you hope to gain in terms
of knowledge, skills, personal and professional contacts, and other experiences while in the
Independent Study Course. Use the Independent Study Form attached.
STEP 2. List course learning objectives.
List objectives by using broad statements describing what the student is going to achieve. List each
objective and/or learning activity in the plan and note the numbers of the competencies the student is
expected to meet through specific learning activities.
STEP 3. Develop a timetable and plan.
Develop a plan for the Independent Study Course that the student can follow to include what the
student is expected to do and produce and dates for completion and submission. List the types of
activities/assignments that the student will be completing during the semester, as well as grading
components that may include papers or presentations.
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9 hours ago
Recent research suggests that chewing gum may increase alertness and lead to changes in cognitive performance. The present study examined effects of chewing gum on these functions within the context of a single study.
This study had four main aims. The first was to examine whether chewing gum improved learning and memory of information in a story. The second aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved test performance on a validated intellectual task (the Alice Heim task). A third aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved performance on short memory tasks (immediate and delayed recall of a list of words, delayed recognition memory, retrieval from semantic memory, and a working memory task). The final aim was to determine whether chewing gum improved mood (alertness, calm and hedonic tone).
A cross-over design was used with gum and no-gum sessions being on consecutive weeks. In each week, volunteers attended for two sessions, two days apart. The first session assessed mood, immediate recall of information from a story and performance on short memory tasks. The second session assessed mood, delayed recall of information from a story and performance of an intelligence test (the Alice Heim test).
There were no significant effects of chewing gum on any aspect of recall of the story. Chewing gum improved the accuracy of performing the Alice Heim test which confirms the benefits of gum on test performance seen in an earlier study. Chewing gum had no significant effect on the short memory tasks. Chewing gum increased alertness at the end of the test session in both parts of the study. This effect was in the region of a 10% increase and was highly significant (P < 0.001).
The results of this study showed that chewing gum increases alertness. In contrast, no significant effects of chewing gum were observed in the memory tasks. Intellectual performance was improved in the gum condition. Overall, the results suggest further research on the alerting effects of chewing gum and possible improved test performance in these situations.
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Is Bayelsa State among the ELDS? Thank you? Answer this
0 Answers · University of Ibadan · 5 minutes ago
Pls myschool I subscribed for myschool CBT app today in order to get activation code but I haven't received any...
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1 Answers · University of Abuja · 3 hours ago
Has the post utme cut off mark for the various departments in fuoye been published? Answer this
1 Answers · Federal University, Oye-ekiti · 2 hours ago
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