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5 Business Ideas That Can Fetch You N20,000 Weekly From The Comfort Of Your Home

5 Business Ideas That Can Fetch You N20,000 Weekly From The Comfort Of Your Home

Since the beginning of this lockdown, we cannot but deny the fact that things have been a bit hard especially for small scale business owners because of the closing down of business premises across the country.

While we are gradually getting our lives back, it is important that we double up our effort so that we can fill up the holes created in our financial pockets by the lockdown with business ideas that we can start with little startup cost and operate from the comfort of our home.

These business ideas do not really require any formal training or special equipment before you can start making any sales, and the good news about these business ideas is the fact that they are hot selling with a massive return profit on a weekly basis.

The following business ideas will be discussed with detail explanation on how to go about starting it up:

·        Recharge Card And Data Selling Business

·        Home Lesson

·        Ice-Block Selling Business

·        Clothes, Shoes And Bag Selling

·        Freelance Writing


1.      Recharge Card And Data Selling Business: If you are not yet into this business, then you are greatly missing out because of the high profit rate in the business most especially with Data selling.

Imagine buying 1gig Data at the rate of N350 from the Small Scale Entrepreneurship (SMEs) data plans on offer buy most of the Telecommunications Company, and sell it at the rate of N400, giving you a profit of N50. If you market your business very well and you are able to get up to twenty people purchase 1gig Data each, which gives you a profit of One Thousand Naira.

That is even on a low side because you are bound to have more customers on a daily basis with proper marketing which can be done for free through your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram.

This also applies to the selling of Virtual Top-Ups (VTU) recharge cards, without having to leave your house.

If you have any question to ask concerning this, kindly drop them in the comment section, I will love to answer them all.

2.      Home Lesson:  This applies mostly to Private school teachers who have been rendered Jobless with the closure of schools and Undergraduates who are at home due to the lockdown.

It will be a very profitable venture that you can do from the comfort of your home, by getting primary and secondary school students in your street who have been at home due to the closure of schools.

The rate can be as low as Fifty Naira Daily per each student, One Hundred Naira or more depending on the agreement reached or better still a weekly payment of the lesson fees.

Now let us assume you have 25 students paying you 100 Naira each on daily basis, 100×25 =2500, if it runs from Monday to Friday you will have a profit of N12,500. Now calculate that for three weeks and see how much you will have as profit.

If you have any question pertaining to this, drop them in the comment section, I will love to answer them all.

3.      Ice-Block Selling Business: This particular business is so underated that we now have very few people into it, but they wont tell you the truth about this because they don’t want any sort of competition for customers.

I can boldly tell you that the demand for ICED-BLOCK is very high, while the supply is very low, which is one of the reasons why it is very profitable, and the only thing you need to buy is the packaging nylon.

A pack of ICED-BLOCK can go for N50 or N100 depending on the location and agreement reached and as you know, it doesn't get spoilt.

As long as you have a Refrigerating Freezer or Ice-Block maker at home, then you are good to go.

With proper marketing you can always make a daily sales of nothing less than N1500 from the comfort of your home.

4Clothes, Shoes And Bag Selling: This seems to be the trend right now and there's nothing wrong if you also jump on this trend as long you are making your money legitimately.

Due to several emerging fashion trends, there is a very high demand for fashionable clothes, shoes and bags nowadays Among Youths especially.

The secret most of these retailers won't tell you is the high profit in the business, because they usually purchase these goods from suppliers who import directly from China at a very cheap price and sell at a higher rate here in Nigeria.

For example, some ladies bag are bought from suppliers for as low as N2000 and sold by the retailers at the rate N4000, giving them a 100% profit.

It is advisable to start small buy linking up with major suppliers that will sell at cheap rates for you, thereafter you can upgrade to importing these goods yourself, which gives a higher return rate of profit.

The good news is that, you don't need to open a shop for this. Right from the comfort of your home you can sell and deliver goods Nationwide, by utilizing the marketing power of social media and employing the services of Logistics Company to deliver your goods to your customers.

If you have any question, I will love to answer them all. Drop your questions in the comment section.

5Freelance Writing: This is my favourite, because I live on it and it has always proved to be a reliable source of income.

Apart from the fact that I'm a graduate of Mass Communication (still awaiting service), I'm also a full time freelance writer.

One thing that makes this unique is the fact that you can actually travel to anywhere and still practice your trade, because your clients are sourced online.

While most people feel writing is hard, I have a rather counter opinion because there is nothing that can't be learnt if you put your mind to it.

Your earnings as a freelance writer depends on your agreement with the client or the number of jobs done.

Opera News Hub is one of freelance site that I work with since it was established last year, apart from this I also work with other foreign freelance sites from the comfort of my home as long as I am connected to the internet.

Freelance Writing brings freedom because mostly everything you do takes place online, thereby giving you the chance to travel and work from any location.

All you need is your phone, laptop, Jotter/Pen and a stable internet connection.

If you have any questions bothering you about everything we have discussed, kindly drop your questions and comments in the comment section below and I will definitely answer them.

Thank you.



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