Symptoms of Pregnancy at Week 5
The pregnancy symptoms will be more obvious from this week onwards till the end of the first trimester. Only in a handful of cases these symptoms last throughout the pregnancy and that can be a little tough.
1. Aching and sore breasts is one of the most common and prominent symptoms during week five of the pregnancy.
2. Well, from this week on you may realize that morning sickness is not really ‘morning sickness’. It can happen any time of the day. Most moms feel nauseated throughout the day till the end of the first trimester. The smell of some food items may make you through up instantly.
3. The baby’s development is picking up speed leaving you exhausted. It is ok to feel tired and nap anytime during the day if you want to. There is really not much you can do about it, other than to take rest when you have to.
4. Your kidneys have started to expand now, and you may feel like going to the loo more frequently than ever!
5. During the 5th week, if you feel cramps in your stomach, it may mean that your uterus is expanding and stretching your ligaments. But if the cramp is abnormally painful, then consult your doctor right away.
6. Spotting after intercourse could be because of the pressure on the sensitive cervix. Since it’s the 5th week already, consulting the doctor if it occurs is not a bad idea.
7. In a few cases, mothers to be don’t go through any of the above symptoms, or these symptoms just come and go. But that is completely normal, and not having pregnancies symptoms doesn’t mean that there is any problem with your pregnancy.
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